
I’m trying to use command timedatectl set-ntp true to enable ntp ,but I got below error :

root@ubuntu2004:~# timedatectl set-ntp true
Failed to set ntp: NTP not supported

I’m using ubuntu 20.04 , how can I fix this problem?

Btw: I can’t start systemd-timesyncd , I got below error:

$ sudo systemctl start systemd-timesyncd
Failed to start systemd-timesyncd.service: Unit systemd-timesyncd.service is masked.


Per the logs ,your systemd-timesyncd service is masked which means it can’t be started, and can’t be enabled. To fix this, you need to run the below command to umask it

systemctl unmask systemd-timesyncd.service

Then you can try enable and start the service:

systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd.service
systemctl start systemd-timesyncd.service

Good luck!